
Sunday, 9 February 2020

#home learning

Reading Homework 2020    Paragraph:1 
Book: EJ girl hero.

Emma and Elle  spun themselves around Emma's bedroom,  singing and dancing to the latest pink shadows song. Emma was  trying out a new dance move and Elle  was singing  passionately into a hairbrush. They had raided both Emma's wardrobe  and her dress-up  box and the resulting look was  a combination of crazy fairy and rock chick: black  jeans, old tutu, heaps of bangles and necklaces and, as  a finishing touch , sparkling tiaras. They had also been  working on a dance routine and when the song reached the chorus, Emma and Elle were back to back singing at the top of their voices.The song finished and they both collapsed, on the beanbag, laughing and exhausted. 

                          To be continued

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