Here's 5 ways you could clear your mind.
1. Prayer in peace.
2. listen to calm music.
3. sing to calm music.
4. sit by yourself for 3- 5 minutes.
5. sit on your bed or lie down and close your eyes.
Why is it important to reset our minds regular. to be able to see and work thorough things with a good mind?
I think it helps other people calm there selves if there angry or it even can help me my friends and some teachers or parents.
Some day you should try one of these 5 things and list to your blog.
Talofa lava Latisha. It's me Zoe. I really love your writing about calming your mind down. I love number 1. It is always good to pray. I really love your 5 things about calming down your mind. Keep the hard work up and keep the blogging going.