
Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

On the cards

This is my cards this is hard for me but I now it now.

Did you shake you tail Feathers

Did You Shake Your Tail Feathers?

P5 What can we infr about Kāhu?
No weka it’s to far beautiful for that she ran away from kahu in to the forest .
Does he feel the same way about returning the feather as Weka?
Why is Kāhu following Weka?
He wants to keep the feather.
P7  How is this  similar to when Weka talked to Kāhu?
No said weka it’s too far to beautiful for that.
P8  Why did Kiwi snap at Weka?
Weka found a burrow and called kiwi wake up did you shake your tail feathers what tail feathers any way  my feathers are brown and snapped kiwi..
P9 Why do you think Kāhu swooped down from the branches above?
Just as weka was about to run deeper into the forest kahu swooped .down and landed on pukeko.
P10 What has Weka bumped into?
She was in such a hurry  she didn’t look where he was going.
Why have Kāhu and Pūkeko stopped?
There stood the most fearless and some birds are fearsome of birds.
P15 What does this page tell us about Kārearea?

Latisha Animation 2018

Thursday, 5 April 2018

using number cube

This is my number cubes.

Did you shake your Tailfeathers

Did You Shake Your Tail Feathers?

P5 What can we infr about Kāhu?
No weka it’s to far beautiful for that she ran away from kahu in to the forest .
Does he feel the same way about returning the feather as Weka?
Why is Kāhu following Weka?
He wants to keep the feather.
P7  How is this  similar to when Weka talked to Kāhu?
No said weka it’s too far to beautiful for that.
P8  Why did Kiwi snap at Weka?
Weka found a burrow and called kiwi wake up did you shake your tail feathers what tail feathers any way  my feathers are brown and snapped kiwi..
P9 Why do you think Kāhu swooped down from the branches above?
Just as weka was about to run deeper into the forest kahu swooped .down and landed on pukeko.
P10 What has Weka bumped into?
She was in such a hurry  she didn’t look where he was going.
Why have Kāhu and Pūkeko stopped?
There stood the most fearless and some birds are fearsome of birds.
P15 What does this page tell us about Kārearea?